Buns, Guns, and Everything In Between Today's workout featured in my Instagram Reels (check it out under @sweatstoria) featured 2 parts and the following moves: The warm up (not pictured): several inchworm walkouts with a deep, fuller range of motion push up walking out to plank position each time (either google this or bend over, walk your hands out to plank position, do a push up, and walk hands back to your feet). Add several trips up and down the stairs to this just refilling my coffee and water, and I was ready to go. Part 1: Shortened glider mountain climbers Glider pikes Very tiny ROM pushups ("ROM" = range of motion) Bosu deadlifts Bosu bent over rows Bulgarian split squats, shortened position (curls added on one leg) Curls-to-OH press Repeated 3x with variations each time. Part 2: Hip thrusts* Chest fly variation Dumbbell Pullovers Db OH Tricep Extension Figure 4 oblique crunch with one foot in bridge* Gilder cardio: Single leg side lunge, single leg curtsy with arms Variations: Feet in butterfly bridge position for set 2 of hip thrusts Swapped side-lie bosu crunch in place of figure 4 oblique crunch Repeated 2x because I was running out of time. Noteworthy Exercise Selection Notes:
Shortened glider mountain climbers Why shortened? If you've ever done the "quickfeet" drill before your speedwork, this shortened range of motion translates nicely to that drill. The idea of bringing each knee forward and keeping a close distance to your starting position allows for a quick exchange here. On the flip side, trying to do very quick mountain climbers (with gliders) with full ROM ("ROM" = range of motion) will mimic a high knees drill, but in a plank position I see these get sloppy very quickly. That's a whole nother blog for another time. Very tiny ROM pushups If you blinked, then you definitely missed the slight bend of my elbows in my Bosu pushups, and that's okay. If you want to tell me that they weren't push ups, that's okay, too--I really have zero ego when it comes to push ups, and here's why: There are a million reasons to do push ups and a million variations of push ups. Push up variations not only can be determined by end goal, but also by what feels good in your body. For me, my shoulders are whack if I try to go full range of motion, chest-touches-the-floor style push ups too many times in one week, and I get just enough ROM with my chaturangas in my yoga practice. Again, different strokes for different folks. You know what feels good in that shortered ROM push up, though? My shoulder blades. I'm still increasing blood flow throughout that area and creating healthy scapular movement. I'm cool with that. Bulgarian split squats, shortened position This explanation is a bit simpler. I probably could have lengthened my stance, but I'm also babying my right ankle for a long run tomorrow. A shorter stance allows me to hinge my hips back for a slightly different sensation. I hesitated to even call this a BSS for this reason, but, that back leg is elevated. If someone has a better name for this, please do let me know. Bosu Stuff: I have the ability (after practice) to balance and do shit on the Bosu now, and that makes me feel good. But all the moves completed on there are just as challenging without. Feet in butterfly bridge position for set 2 of hip thrusts If you have never placed your feet in this position for bridges, I want you to stop what you're doing and try it. There's something about the foot-to-foot connection that zings all the way into your glutes, and really kicks them into beast mode. You'll also thank me for the relief this position can provide on the hips and groin. Yay! For more questions about this workout, please feel free to send me a note! --Angie
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AuthorAngie Knudson runs in her free time and makes people exercise for a living. Archives
December 2021